Thread: Playing Cards
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Old 31-10-2017, 10:33 PM
SaturninePluto SaturninePluto is offline
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My grandmother used this method and could read with a regular playing deck, she explained a little of how it works to me, and I am very interested in learning how to do this myself, as you are.

Truth be told, it imo is like any tarot, you must practice, I think what holds people back is they may expect regular playing cards to be more difficult for interpretation than a deck you'd buy made for it. But, truth be told, I do not think it is any more difficult. It comes down to practice with both.

From what my grandmother told me with a playing deck sometimes the numbers which come up can have meaning, especially in a repeating pattern relating to time- that is one way in which the numbers could have meaning. When she read for me she had 3 number 3's come up. They were in very close relationship to the card in the center (Celtic Cross spread)
that indicated me the sitter- the card representing me the sitter came up diamonds- financial. So she ascertained the 3's were a sign of improving finances, she told me she felt 3 months money would come to me. She said it could take 3 days, weeks, months or 3 years, but she felt it was within a monthly time frame- 3 months later indeed, financial issues improved.

Male face cards- Jacks, kings- in a reading for a woman, could represent males- lovers, friends, family etc.

Female face cards- Queens- in a reading for a male could represent females- lovers, friends, family etc.

Hearts could pertain to relationships, emotions such things pertaining to hearts.

Diamonds could pertain to finances, property etc.

Clovers- we did not really get too much into- the only way to know how clovers or clubs would work for me is practice.

Spades- my grandmother saw spades as a powerful negative force in some circumstances- remember it depends on intuitions feelings, and how the cards come up- with practice you will learn what cards mean what to you and via intuition when they also mean different things.

That is the way I was taught, but I do not practice tarot often, and have not recently practiced often with regular playing cards. I would too like to figure how to read in this way, but will when I have time to practice it.

Keyword here is practice. It isn't any more difficult than store bought tarot cards because it is a deck of playing cards. Practice and patience and like anything else it can be learned.

Hope that helped a little.

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