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Old 19-10-2013, 11:12 AM
WmBuzz71 WmBuzz71 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Canada
Posts: 422
Originally Posted by Maguru
What does this mean as experienced by us?

Mary Magdalen and Jesus, are a perfect example of representing of the Holy Spirit, as they where Twin Flames. Jesus represented God(conscious) here on Earth, while Mary represented the teaching of the female energies of Mother Earth(subconscious). Somehow Mary's teachings were lost or left out, as she was Jesus shadow that held the light in the darkness. Originally they both unified spirituality(Female) with religion(Male).

Jesus was of light, and without Mary, Jesus consciousness would've went to la la land, as she kept him grounded here on earth, by representing duality of Earth, they are connected at the soul.

New Age is where our spirit lives in harmony with our soul, and be paired up with our higher love. Together the two will be able to harness some of the Earths energies to benefit the community. Some will be able to heal, invent, listening to the wind, and other gifts like ESP and such. This is where Sci Fi becomes reality.
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