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Old 13-12-2018, 03:09 PM
Untersberg56 Untersberg56 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 165
I have reason to believe that I died in June 1942 at or near Lourdes in France in a military action, and in this life I was conceived in London in May 1943, and so less than a year passed between incarnations. The rebirth occurred so quickly that I brought a lot of "baggage" with me from the last life which is why I recall minor aspects of it.

A spiritually advanced palmist I consulted showed me lines in a diamond-shape between the forefinger and thumb on my hands and told me, "That indicates you did not want this incarnation and tried to die in the womb." Maybe one is shown one's future parents and thinks, "Oh no, we're going to have problems here." Moreover, my new country was that of the nation which for the last three years of my former life had been "our enemy".

This leads me to believe that the decision about one's next incarnation is taken at the angelic level and one has little or no say.

I would like this to be my final incarnation. I would like rebirth into the Pure Land of Chinese Buddhism offered by devotion to the "goddess" figure Kuan Yin or probably the Virgin Mary where all further lessons still outstanding can be learned at the higher levels with the object of then serving humanity though not in the flesh.
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