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Old 05-02-2022, 11:35 PM
jro5139 jro5139 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: USA
Posts: 987
What I've noticed about some flat earthers (at least ones that make videos) are that 1) they can be really mean, nasty and rude. Calling people names (which btw, is the baseline tactic of the extreme leftists as well), calling people "stupid" who believe the earth is round and engaging in a lot of arguing. I did look into the theory, as I try to be open-minded and give everything a chance and not just dismiss stuff, and when I tried to watch debates between flat and round earth believers, I found they were unwatchable due to the amount of name-calling, yelling and arguing.

2) They push a lot of other "theories" that are seeming to me anyway to be less and less true, such as 911 didn't really happen, Hitler was really a good guy and accusing other events and people of being negative who are generally seen in the spiritual community as positive. Some of these events and people I cannot get on board to believe they are negative based on my own intuition and research.

Besides that, I am the opposite of mathematically minded so a lot of the "evidence" flat and round earthers talk about, honestly, goes over my head, although I find it interesting on both ends. However, the believe of flat earthers is also that there is no outer space, no other planets, etc. I cannot get on board with that either as that would dismiss our connection with the Pleiades, Sirius, etc.
That would make my own personal experience false and that would open up a whole other can of worms for me personally, as well as make research by other people false or invalid. I am thinking of people like Waye Herschel, who talks about star maps (how certain monuments and ancient buildings like the pyramids align with star clusters or constellations in the Pleiades). His research is fascinating btw.
And Pierre Sabak, who has extensively researched etymology (how words are related). He has come to the conclusion through researching etymology that we the human race have always interacted with beings from star systems like Sirius and the Pleiades.
I have heard the theory that flat earthers believe what we call "extra-terrestrials" are really people from beyond Antarctica, but this still dismisses all the research into places like Sirius and the Pleiades done by people like Hershel and Sabak and I just can't get on board with that.
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