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Old 05-11-2006, 08:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Ijepotica I admire you for talking about it. Sounds like you are trying to talk yourself back into this relationship. The reason you left the first time will not go away. I don't want to see anyone miss their chance for true love in this world, for it may not come again for a very long time. If you are unsure of your heart ask God to reveal the truth to you, and God will do it!

Watch aswell as pray!


Originally Posted by ljepotica
Hello all

Hmmm...this is an interesting thing that happened to me and it's sort of confusing right now.

I met someone about a year ago and when I first met them I thought they were really nice.
The more I met them the more I saw that we had similar ways of thinking and being...then it just happened that we ended up going out...but things didn't work out and so we split but are in contact.

We do, however, have different lives and different expectations...

The thing now is that I have thought about it seriously and have asked myself questions about why it didn't work out etc to get a balance and thought that I was happy being friends with them.
I have tried to meditate and to cut cords between us and have "let them go" and to forgive etc...

Only now I keep on thinking about this person and something is saying to me that despite our differences they are good for me as their similarities and differences are just what I need in a partner...I keep on having these visions of having met this person in some other time and another place...

I have realised that I still have feelings for them and so I told them as I felt that I had to, they have indicated that they also still have feelings for me...

What I would like to know is do you think that these are just my emotions and the result of missing this person after breaking-up or do you think that maybe there is something there for the both of us?

It's different with this person because it's funny how I seem to feel deep down inside that I want to be with them, all other people who I've been with I had a feeling deep down inside that it wouldn't work out and it didn't...but with this person I never had a feeling that it wouldn't work out...

I feel as if deep down inside we're right for each other-this person understands me like nobody has ever done before, it feels like this person can live with me and live inside of me and that we'd be united together as one...I have never felt like this about another before...the only thing is this person has a lot of problems-which is what constituted to the break-up but I feel as if I can help them and that we can develop together...

Sorry for a long explanation

Any advice please?