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Old 24-08-2018, 09:46 PM
kuurt kuurt is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 147
I just wanted to share that this is happening to me too. I've been hearing voices for 2 years now. Negative voices that refuse to leave. I would assume I was schizophrenic too if I hadn't have recorded their voices.

Most of my recorded voices are not class A EVPs so most people can't hear them even though I can. But I did manage to get a few class A EVPs that other people can hear.

I don't mess with EVPs anymore because by listening closely for their voices on tape, which is a little easier to hear what they're saying, I end up hearing them more. So I do think that by ignoring them and turning my attention to other things it does help to some extent.

But I don't think that you hear them because you're thinking negative thoughts and that if you start thinking positive thoughts they'll go away. That ideas seems ridiculous to me because they bother me the most when I'm sleeping. Why would I be thinking negative thoughts in my sleep?

I have asked my spirit guide for help, but it never helped. Maybe I don't have one, I don't know. I have called on Jesus for help many times, but he's never helped. I have asked God for help, but that didn't help either.

I have called on archangel Michael a few times and asked him for help with these entities. I asked him to take them to wherever they need to be. I'm not sure if it really helps. Sometimes it seems like the voices go quite after I do that and I'm able to fall asleep. But even if it does help temporarily, they just end up coming back later, sometimes then next day.

I don't know why praying to God, Jesus, guides, angels, doesn't seem to work for long. It really ticks me off that none of these positive beings have my back.

I have tried sending them to the light to cross over, but they will not go. I went to a couple of psychics and someone who specializes in entity removal and none of them got rid of the entities like they claimed they did. I was still hearing their voices after words.

What sucks the most about these negative entities is that you feel like you have no privacy with your thoughts, because somehow at times it has even seemed like they were reading my thoughts. And I don't know how they do that. And they try to keep you from sleeping. Sometimes they even wake me up from sleeping.

I have recently heard about using crystals. Apparently some crystals like black tourmaline or black obsidian will absorb negative energy and repeal negative entities. And apparently help raise your vibration. I doubt they will work since nothing else has, but I might give it a try.

It's very frustrating hearing negative voices because you can't talk about it with other people or they will think you're crazy. Plus whatever you say about the entities, the entities will hear you. So if the entities are doing something to you that bothers you, you obviously don't want the entities to know that it bothers you or they'll keep doing it, so you can't talk about it.

Another girl on this forum who has this problem told me she went to like 50 different people for help and none of them were able to help her. Sadly even those people who are psychic or specialize in entity removal aren't that successful. I don't have a job so I can't afford to go from person to person looking for help.
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