Thread: Krishna
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Old 28-01-2018, 08:44 AM
Joe Mc Joe Mc is offline
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Originally Posted by xmode
I want to ask, can you be a Krishna's devotee without joining in a community or cult organisation ?

The following and devotion to Krishna was here long before iskcon.How can a person or a movement claim to be the only real or true followers of God ? That claim alone should be enough to know that those who make such claims are in a partial truth but are like all fundamentalists not dealing with the complexity of the life as it manifests here on earth. I say partial because there are aspects of such movements which are very attractive, their worship, devotion and food. but realistically the black and white presentation of truth, in other words, I'm right and your wrong is easy at first on your head and thinking but in the end creates alot of problems for the seeker.

When I first encountered iskcon they were very adamant and still are id say about things like Buddhism. They would say, Oh the Mayavadis, they are like the rays of the sun but the personalists like us worship the Sun itself, which is Krishna. We can see they are blind. These kind of reasonings they revelled in up until the point that they would even defend their own points of view through rudeness perhaps even violence I know some devotees here who follow other teachers besides Prabupada and seem very mellow. If i had met with those options when i first encountered krishna consciousness i might still be a devotee but alas i ran into the 'stock version' yous are all karmis, yous are all going to hell etc.

So the short answer is yes, I dont think you need permission from say Prabupad to follow God. At least i hope not.
Too much intellectual pride and not enough intellectual beauty

To Thine own Self be True

The Frost performs its secret ministry,Unhelped by any wind. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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