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Old 30-10-2017, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by blossomingtree
I believe the question is not why are there so many contradicting accounts; rather, it is, which practice/insights/experiential reality can & will unify them all?

That, to me, is spirituality.
The Sufis say that "All beliefs go to God," which is another 'version' of collective consciousness or the expansion of consciousness. The reason they contradict in the first place is not Spirituality but cognitive dissonance or the 'lock on, lock out' principle. Einstein said that genius is being able to hold two opposing concepts in the mind at the same time. The tendency is to put things into opposition in the first place - which the Universe itself doesn't do. What some haven't quite come to terms with is the notion that what might be true for one may not be true for someone else, but that doesn't make it a lie or contradictory. The awareness isn't in things contradicting but in the reasons our minds perceive them as such - we create the contradictions, nothing has an inherent contradiction itself.
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