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Old 27-05-2017, 12:43 PM
Carnate Carnate is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 316
Most souls don't properly attach to their bodies until they are born. Even then, they are not strictly fixed in that body until they are.. I think it was 9 or 11 years old. I know this may seem insensitive to some people, but it's what I've been told (not strictly what's true).. but if someone passes on before this stage, it's often because the life hasn't worked out in the way that's necessary for that person to progress; it's time to find a more suitable life. There are also karmic reasons for people to choose to die early; that has some form of benefit for other people.

But back to the main point; because souls aren't fully attached, they still retain most/part of their awareness of their higher self and guides. Most babies go through a series of mourning as this connection is lost and they slowly properly integrate into their physical bodies.

Sorry.. got side tracked again.

Most souls/spirits take on the form of the child they are to grow into. I had a young boy spirit follow me around for about a year, assessing whether my partner and I were a good match for him; turned out to be a no. But we had a number of people ask if we were trying for a baby or if my partner was pregnant because of that boy/spirit.

If the child decides it's time to move on, he/she will simply revert back to whichever form is most comfortable for him/her; there's often very little need to retain the form of an old body.
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