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Old 20-04-2017, 11:03 PM
CrystalSong CrystalSong is offline
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Originally Posted by Florence
I am not convinced there is a heaven. There are about 7.5 billion people on planet earth. Is there a large enough heaven to accommodate the number of people that die each year. Maybe there are many heavens.

The religious concept of heaven is a beautiful place, somewhere high in the sky and it is divided into realms. The realms accommodate the angels, archangels etc. There are separate realms that house people that have died into different classifications as to how they performed here on earth.

How does our spirit find heaven when we die? There would have to be many spirit people working in heaven to organize housing and new life plans for people to reincarnate.

How would the spirit people find there way back here when they are supposed to enter into a new life somewhere? Or do they stay in heaven forever!! Do these spirit people just fly around and talk to others in heaven?

The religious concept of heaven is not believable. I believe that when we die, it is dust to dust and ashes to ashes. This is the cycle of nature, similar to the animal kingdom.

With a population of 7.5 billion, could there be any other way?

Having spent rather a lot of time exploring outside the body and in various frequency realms/dimensions it appears to me to be this:

Heaven and Hell are both available in this Moment of Now - They are a state of mind - a level of Consciousness. Two neighbors on the same street in the same town will be in two totally separate realities - one maybe in Heaven another a state of hell.

When we leave the body in the final death (death of the body) it does indeed return to the earth. The husk is no longer needed.
The spirit ascends to the dimension that it most is in alignment with from it's time on earth. Many will arrive in the lower or mid levels of the astral world where they will process their experiences for sometime before being able to release, forgive and move more into self love and acceptance and thus raise their frequency to higher dimensions, the process may repeat here, before even higher levels are gained.
In each of these levels we maybe (very likely) met by Angels, Guides and Benevolent Beings who will help us process and integrate our experience on Earth.

Visualize Jacobs Ladder here for better understanding. Each rung another level of higher dimension (from Earth perspective all are the 'heavens'. After rising some levels and becoming more adapt we may lower a bit to help a loved one who is crossing over, become their 'angel' before proceeding upwards on our own continued journey.

Eventually we will return to the VOID, a place of only I AM, it is a place of total Oneness with no sense of self or individualism, no time - it is timeless or out of time. It is like a cosmic womb, or being in the Palm of God's hands. We stay here until we are interested in re-incarnating into physical form again. I think it is possible to stay in the VOID and not leave if one deeply desires that.

Heaven is not a final destination, not a specific 'place' from everything I can tell from crossing over many times - instead consciousness travels in loops and spirals and as we become more Light and Loved filled we can access even higher levels of the heavens. So Heavens - not Heaven.
The Void which seems the ultimate return to Oneness is not even a place - it is pure mergence into Oneness, until leaving to drop down into density of realms and begin again learning and studying something new.
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