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Old 18-04-2017, 05:28 AM
Astral Explorer Astral Explorer is offline
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Originally Posted by dinah
Can someone astral travel with friends, and when coming back check if what they saw and experienced is the same for everyone? This is important to be certain about the objectivity of the travel and to prove that it was not all just imagined.
Technically speaking it COULD be possible. But the problem with it likely happening is that first off astral projecting at the exact same time is difficult since most people cannot astral project at will and it tends to happen at unpredictable times. So the first hurdle would be just managing to trigger a projection at the exact same time. After that you have to consider you are dealing with two separate individuals who have lived two separate lives, have two separate beliefs, have two separate experiences in life, etc. which all leads up to different people projecting into different dimensions. So even if you two both overcame the quite difficult obstacle of projecting at the exact same time it's more than likely you would end up in completely different dimensions. But even if you overcame that as well the chances of you both winding up in the exact same location within that dimension is extremely unlikely as well. Spiritual dimensions in many ways are very similar to our physical dimension as in they have tons of space in them and tons of locations. So think about it like two people blindly hop on two different random planes - what's the chances of those two planes ending up in the same location on Earth? Very unlikely. Spiritual dimensions are not just one bedroom of space - they are massive just like the dimension we exist physically in is. You both could wind up on completely opposite sides of that dimension which no matter where you end up is unfamiliar territory, so it's not like there would be a magical trail with signs saying "your friend is this way." So putting it bluntly you would have absolutely no way of finding your friend unless you both projected at the exact same time and ended up in the exact same location with in the exact same dimension, which as I mentioned before is beyond unlikely. Really the only way it would ever happen other than hitting the statistical lottery would be if you have spiritual beings who exist in that dimension make it happen, meaning they would both teleport you to the same location/dimension. But good luck making that happen - they don't serve us.
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