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Old 26-07-2014, 12:02 AM
BriarRose BriarRose is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 372
I Stopped the Clock?

I decided to try an experiment in manifesting today. I'm reading E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Experiments by Pam Grout. In the first lesson, the reader is instructed to note the time of day, and ask God, or the Universe, depending on religious preference, to provide an unmistakeable, unexpected blessing, or sign, in the next 48 hours. I decided to try. I noted the time on a big clock that hangs on my wall, and made my request. I repeated "2:45" a few times, and asked for an unmistakeable sign. Then, I went to sleep. When I woke up, the clock still read 2:45. I thought, "What is this, Narnia?", and struggled into the kitchen. The clock there said 3:45. I thought that in my sleepy daze, I must have read the other clock wrong. I went back to check, and the original clock had stopped at exactly 2:45, when I wrote down my request to the Universe! It operates on a battery, and it could be a coincidence, but there are several in play here. The clock was working earlier, and apparently stopped at that moment. I went immediately to sleep, and awoke exactly one hour later, to the minute. That coincidence ensured that I would check the time, as I always want to know how long I've been asleep. At first, I couldn't see that stopping a clock with a thought was a blessing, but then I realized that a more powerful, immediate message from the Universe that thoughts create reality would be hard to devise. Proof of our ability to manifest is a very big blessing, indeed! Has anyone else read the book, or had a similar experience?
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