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Old 19-07-2017, 02:58 PM
Jyotir Jyotir is offline
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Originally Posted by awareness
Marinating in the inner sense of love/joy will collapse many space-time intervals, thus shortening the awakening journey, while simultaneously making it more fun and enjoyable.

In other words, cultivating joyous awareness is indeed absolutely required for the realization of your True Nature.

And realization does not and cannot end with the human experience. In terms of the multiverse, there is further refinement, there is further liberating that occurs for all aspects of soul consciousness.

No one has ever become totally "liberated" in all areas while continuing to have a human experience.

That entity known as "Jesus" did indeed continue to evolve and refine himself, even as his soul essence discontinued reincarnating in the Earth plane, for again, liberation extends beyond what the human mind labels as "being liberated." There are dimensions of which the five physical senses and the human mind are largely incapable of perceiving.

Focusing on joy, more and more, being a greater channel of/for it, will eventually eliminate such obsessions as seeking to have lots of talks about non-duality, or creating dozens of threads about aspects of non-dual philosophy. The human intellectual, left-brained thought processes tend to dominate these "spiritual" discussions. Suggestion: Beware (which simply means "be aware") of that!

Joy dissolves mere philosophy, yet the most powerful philosophies are those that arise from a joyous state of consciousness. This very fact is all too often ignored and not spoken of in approximately 80 to 85% of all "non-duality" communities and discussions, by my estimation (and I am feeling that it is even higher than this).

Love and joy are really one and the same, in their true essence, and this Divine Force is that which holds the True Power, not "endless" non-duality or metaphysical tail-chasing.

This understanding is something worthwhile to consider and then integrate.
Hi awareness,

Agreeing whole-heartedly.

Sincere gratitude, sincere appreciation of others' good qualities or achievements, service to others, even a positive encouragement - any joyful expression, etc. - any/all of which creates and contributes to more actual Oneness than any incessant sterile debates (which do end up accordingly as still-born theory).

And yes - spiritual progression is endless because Spirit is infinite and therefore always transcending Itself as a manifestation of its own inherent Delight.

Especially notable in the physical, it is that transcendence of limitation where love is operating dynamically and joy is found and founded.

~ J
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