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Old 28-08-2012, 04:25 PM
Posts: n/a
Quintessence: This is been a annoying I have had people say there Witches I ask them simple questions as one Witch opinion to another and sadly they knew nothing never casted a spell in there lives do now know what a circle is.
Thinks some Witches are in fact evil.
But we could argue the same thing with Christians many claim to be and have no idea what the basics of there religion and belief system is.
Nor have they ever read the bible or try to obey the laws.
Just that in the US Witchcraft has been demoralized and shunned and feared.
Then turned into no more then a childhood fairy tale.
So yes we have alot to over come. That is sad in a way that a few oddballs make us look like we are all tree hugging jokes. But just be patient with the young ones who wish to follow path or pretend to follow the path out of status or fitting in somewhere. Instead of telling them what there not help them achieve what they can be. We will all be stronger for it.
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