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Old 19-09-2017, 01:35 AM
marshmallow10 marshmallow10 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 91
Originally Posted by shivatar
Spirituality traditionally means going inside our self.

This issue is a legal/material matter. If she is harassing you and attempting to scam you by charging you for a service she never gave, then you need to contact the police or a lawyer and figure out what the next step is to take. Also, you don't pay for the lawyer, you just get them on the phone and ask for advice. Lawyers will give free advice if it's under 5-10 minutes.

Maybe this person is pursueing you relentlessly because she knows you won't take action against her. The more you "be nice" to her, the bolder she gets. If you avoid her, she thinks you are guilty and she is right. If you let her know up front that "hey, I've called the police and my lawyer, and unless you can provide proof that an agreed upon transaction took place then you are harassing me and you need to stop contacting me or I'll take further steps to gain my peace of mind back".

People like that don't just go away. You have to make a stand. Stand your ground, stand up to the bully, stand up for yourself, etc.

There is no real proof that she gave you a service. Phone logs don't mean anything. So if you don't want to pay, she can't make you. She can only harass you.

So as long as you let her, she is going to harass you and try to get the money she believes she is entitled to.

Thanks, you make some really good points there. I don't often stand up for my self when I know I'm right. I actually have proof in the form of emails which show me asking for the treatment plan and her responses.

I do think I'm attracting this somehow though. Because being bullied is a common thing for me. I was bullied/verbally abused by my mum growing up and I've had similar incidents throughout my life where I come across people who bully or harass me for something that either I didn't do, or is actually the bully's fault.

Sometimes I wonder if there's a lesson I am just not getting! And maybe it's like what you just said, make a stand or it won't go away. I'm off to contact consumer advice, that's the first step where I live :)
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