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Old 05-11-2016, 01:41 AM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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I like chocolate too, and yes there is something about it which can be addictive. It's not just the sugar. Now if there are no bad effects there's no harm done. Chocolate will generally not do any harm,. so long as proper food is eaten too! Chocolate can actually be beneficial!

But with reflux....that's different. You've identified something that makes it worse. So the only thing I can suggest is to cut it out.
Or...carry on eating it and take reflux meds!

Your choice.

But if you go a little while without chocolate and find some other sweet stuff like Halva, sesame snaps, dates, carob raisins, etc instead to eat -you'll find that it won't take long to stop thinking of chocolate.

Also if you want to stop eating it don't stop eating healthy carbohydrates and fats (so long as they suit your digestion) because you will keep good energy eating them, and won't feel so much craving for chocolate as an energy boost.
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