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Old 02-12-2015, 01:27 PM
Clover Clover is offline
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Proactive made my skin breakdown even worse (in my thirties). Avon has some really great products called, Clearnskin professional but i understand your trying to steer away from chemicals, so let me tell you about....

ALOE VERA! You can purchase a plant leaf right at the grocery store. Particularly, in the Mexican produce section ( not sure if your in the US). I just used this on my face a few days ago after a minor breakout. It reduces the swelling significantly and it has a faster curing rate than the acne products. This is my personal experience with it. I don't use a lot of things on my face. To prevent breakouts I do use Nutregeina face pads after a face wash. That really helps remove dirt and oil, which to me is the greater cause ( aside from diet). Some use Aloe as a moisturizer. Once in a while I will do that.
Coconut oil mixed with brown sugar is also a great cleanser/scrubber. It really gives my skin a glow, however caution it is a oil and may cause a breakout.

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