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Old 27-12-2010, 07:51 AM
Posts: n/a
When I was little I called God a he because thats what I was taught. When I was about 20, I learned of the Goddess and from then on God was She. I'm now 51 and "God" is an energy field more than anything, but when I am visualizing God I see God as female.

There have been temples to the Goddess. Some churches sit on sites that formerly were places where she was worshiped. God is a he because the most vocal religions are all male centered and into converting people to their religion (convert or die was pretty popular). They wipe out any evidence of other type of worship or beliefs. Brute force explains a lot of why God is male. Another reason is it was also easier to control women by claiming God was male. Men have always been rather threatened by women.
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