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Old 28-04-2014, 04:36 AM
Astral Explorer Astral Explorer is offline
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Originally Posted by somnium

For someone with 2,896 posts I think it is pretty darn easy to get a clear reading on you.

Your descriptions on these higher realms is the information I rely on, compared to my own experiences. You cannot seem to escape negatives no matter where you go in the astral, and so I say to you RAISE YOURSELF HIGHER. You can do this by asking for help and by being open to it.

You even find a way to judge creating cities out of thin are as something negative!! Then you say noone would want to come to my cities! No thats not negative.. God filled my cities at first, and then he taught me how to create life, and how to create spirits and souls. And how to make horizons to other places, and teleport etc. It's truly marvelous.

Everyone is special, and it does no good pretending we are not, we have the potential to accomplish anything. If that comes across as negative to you so be it. Like i said you find negativity everywhere you look. You want to find it i think.

You are still stuck on the idea of proving that negative exists, well everything exists, in every possible way, even places void of all negativity if you can believe it.

You judge negatively people who point out your ego and say they are wrong and negative beings, then how will ever see it? It is your ego that tells you this so that it can defend itself. You say that pointing it out is wrong then you do it yourself and say my ego is inflated!! Jeesh can't you even follow your own rules!

You are obviously upset and closed to everything I say and so I am going to stop now, before it gets to crazy.
You telling me about my ego is like Hitler telling me I am anti-Semitic and clearly you have absolutely no bearing on who I am because once again you put words into my mouth, something you clearly are incapable of not doing every single time you touch a keyboard. I never said that I encountered a negative-being every time I went into the higher and/or lighter realms, I never said I encountered one at all in those realms actually. But apparently you're the only one who is able to judge what type of realm they are in. It's quite comical honestly because you have no clue how egotistical your responses are yet you pull the ego card and accuse someone of the same thing you are more than guilty of. You have no clue where my vibration is and you telling me to raise myself higher is like someone laying in the mud telling me to clean myself. You haven't said one word aimed toward me that had anything remotely to do with positivity, light, a high vibration, or anything else. Only words of egotistical claims that are instantly invalidated by your negative judgmental meanings and tones.

I have a wonderful suggestion for you that I think would really help you. Copy and paste everything you have written to and about me in the past day or so and then remove everything except all of the claims you have made about being positive and how someone apparently can pretend to be positive like you, re-read it all and take your own advice and start working on yourself using those points. Unfortunately you're clearly one of those people that is way better at giving others advice than taking your own advice or even being what you advise people to be. Because there are certainly some viable points in your suggestions the problem is that you make it clear you're not anything close to what you pretend to be and that you need to take your own advice more than anyone else, so it's hard to do anything but laugh when you try and tell me what to do. Maybe if you were the positive, light-filled, transcending being that your ego has you believing you are it would be easier for me to take your advice on a deeper level, but as long as you act and use your words in a manner that completely counteract with your suggestions it is difficult for anyone to take you serious. You would grow a lot more focusing on your own ego than mine but that's the problem with egos I guess huh?

Originally Posted by somnium
No, you are very wrong, and very limited, you give your thoughts no power, your beliefs no power. Then you try to force others into the same boat as you.
Maybe in your manifested worlds that is how it is but if you left the confines of your own imagination you would see that the astral isn't only some magical world of manifestations. I suggest you leave behind the beginning levels of the astral that are filled with manifestations and illusions and you will begin to understand what I am talking about. Or you could just continue to make yourself look like the person you accuse others of being, your choice!

Originally Posted by somnium
Are you preparing people to enter a ghetto or the astral plane.. You seem to think they are the same.. no wonder you experience negatives. And believe it or not even your thoughts and beliefs effect the world in the physical too, wether you believe it or not, or do you just not have the power yourself and so you demand no one else it either...
I am preparing people to experience the astral planes where other beings actually live and exist much like beings live and exist in the physical world. But you wouldn't know what I am talking about as long as you stick to your manifested world of illusions. There are nice looking areas and bad looking areas in these other worlds just like Earth, there are good neighborhoods and not so good neighborhoods. I don't demand anyone to experience anything actually you're the one who has attempted to make demands, I am simply preparing people for EVERYTHING that is out there not just the manifested worlds of illusions you experience. I went into astral projection expecting it to be some magical world where thoughts manifest but when I allowed myself to see beyond my owns notions and beliefs about what was out there I began to see the full-spectrum of things and not just what I wanted to see, maybe one day you will do the same.

Originally Posted by somnium
My god man, does it ever end... I fly all the time, with people all over the astral, and if you get in trouble for flying that is ridiculous. You are definately in the lower realms here.
I have flown all the time as well in manifested worlds of illusions but I'm not interested in experiencing false worlds anymore, I prefer to experience the astral planes where beings live lives and grow in their natural state instead of some manipulated world where my imaginary manifestations prevent me from seeing what actually exists there. If you go to any of the realms I have been to you would understand what I am talking about but since you haven't it's pointless to debate it.

Originally Posted by somnium
Ouch, that must have hurt her if she believed it. Your will would place her in a world where she will not get what she wants. Thats just mean.
Yea because people always get what they want in this world don't they? If the beings that live in the astral always got what they wanted they would never reincarnate to Earth, it would be pointless. If people take your own advice they will never experience anything other than what their own perception allows them to, once again I am not interested in experiencing a world created simply by my mind. I am interested in experiencing the actual environments that beings live in, in their natural state. If people go through their life in this world or any world thinking they will get and experience everything they want I feel sorry for them. When I first started projecting and was confined to a world of illusions I felt the same way as you. Honestly at this point you write so much judgmental and weightless garbage that it's pointless for me to waste my time responding. It's clear you just desperately need attention and I am not going to give you what you want. Maybe you can ask your "beings of light" who convinced you you're allowed to manifest whatever and whenever you want that you're lonely.