Thread: EVP?
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Old 21-04-2014, 03:27 PM
Posts: n/a
I wasn't able to open your link. It may be difficult to judge if what you captured was indeed an EVP or not with the other noise in the background such as a radio playing. You should also note on the recording all sounds that are made by you.

When people first start recording, they are unaware of all the sounds that a recorder can capture and amplify and it often leads them to believe they caught an EVP when what they are hearing is just audio pareidolia.

I have listened to clips where people have actually captured the sound of their computer fan, and they thought they had an EVP. So yes, as Lynn said, some people hear what they want in static, but for others, who are more experienced at recording and listening to EVPs, there are indeed voices in the static that others people don't catch when giving someone's posted recording a brief listen. It happens all the time! So don't be discourage if you have an interest in recording EVPs.

If the thought of capturing an EVP scared you, I would suggest you stop recording. Continuing to record could encourage activity in your home. If you are interested in recording EVPs, there are other sites on the web that will let you post your EVPs and some people with years of experience recording, listening to, and editing EVPs will give your recordings a listen and an honest opinion. But remember, it's best to record without radio voices on in the background.
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