Thread: Phasing/OBE
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Old 26-12-2010, 10:54 AM
Posts: n/a
Thanks Gregory. .

Funnily enough I first stared seeing faces and 'playbacks' when I was 20 also..(am 42 now) I had no idea back then the significance of what I was seeing or related it in anyway as spiritual.I just thought I had a funny brain...

It is only now as I work with my guides and develop my mediumship that I see 'the truth' of what was happening. It is an incredibly exciting time, yes. I wake up every morning thinking..What am I going to experience/learn today. Everyday is a new adventure!

I have heeded you words Xan. Thanks.

Am no longer 'trying' for them will just let them come to me...They are the best experiences anyway.

Had a brilliant experience this morning. Saw the faces of many iconic figures of the last 50 years...It was quite mind-blowing.. I kept thinking what are you doing in my 'head'? Curiouser and curiouser

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