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Old 02-04-2014, 10:48 AM
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All my needs are being met from within.

Originally Posted by Carino
There are so many different formulas to help one work with the Law of Attraction! A lot of people seem to like prayer/faith, others meditation/visualization, etc! What's your favorite?

I'd love to know more about your daily practices and what LOA formula works best for you!!
Throughout my life I have tried the LoA in many various ways, without realizing it. Most of the time it was about getting assistance in one form or another, but rarely about directly attracting financial gain. Over time I have learnt a few valuable lessons from practicing LoA.

Pleaded and bargained with God. Trying to blackmailing God did not get me anywhere with LoA.
Prayed to God. LoA was dependent on my point of reference. The more I was greedy over needy, the lower the LoA worked. And even then, LoA seemed to work more towards the needs of others than towards me, but that was not case. For instance, I might wish to attract wisdom and correct guidance in helping another person, then LoA seemed to work very well for both of us.
Lengthy self-talk to God as to why I needed assistance, and then pleaded for God's mercy. Here I am taking one step back by explaining my needs, as if God did not know the truth. Then a take two steps forward by pleading mercy for my ignorance.
Affirmations. Found this to be very tricky. If I ever used words that pointed towards my past, LoA did not work. I found affirmations are more powerful when I only refer to the 'now'.
Subliminal messaging. This was also tricky for me. It was as if I had accepted that I alone could not activate the LoA. And as a result I never seemed to attract accurately.
Doubtlessness. Now this was a very powerful lesson for me. I found it extremely difficult to be doubtless. For me it is about shutting down all thoughts directly after pointing to where I was not. Note, I did not say 'requesting', or what I 'needed' - they are words of doubt. Also, shutting down thoughts seemed impossible, and it may be so. But my experience is best described as putting all thoughts on 'pause' for a while - just enough time to not use opposing thoughts to cancel things.
and Faith. This one, for me, is paramount. But this too has its cancelling attributes. I found that faith has no room for patience (waiting and expecting).

All the above is about me trying to get unfulfilled need met. After nearly dying a few times, lost the house and my car in two separate fires to a fires, I grew tired of it all. Today I just accept. Each day, regardless of my situation, I try to accept everything that does not go my way. I still have goals and I am very proactive. Many unexpected setbacks still happen. I just accept it, be grateful to be alive, and then move on with as little delay as possible. Yes, I do grieve, but only need to do that until I can accept the loss. Acceptance is the key to nullifying 'need'. I may have nothing to 'show' externally, but I have a lot to 'offer' internally. Meaning, that all my needs are being met from within, regardless of what is not going to plan outside. And for me, that is all that matters.
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