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Old 01-04-2014, 03:46 AM
Egadanadage Egadanadage is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 139
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum but have about twenty years of experience with meditation, astral projection and lucid dreaming and thought I'd chime in on this, so hope none of you mind as I'm a newbie and all. I always enter astral projection through either meditation or from within a lucid experience. At first I had the problem with swallowing that you describe, but the more I'd meditate the less annoying swallowing became. I do it now without even noticing it because I go into the experience now knowing that I'm already separate from my body and so I don't pay attention. The body does what it does while going to sleep. What I find the most annoying is that right before I go into paralysis my body seems to do a check to make sure I'm not messing around and it's time to switch over. It could send me an itch that takes all of my effort to ignore. It could be an urge to sneeze. I know that if I can ignore the impulse I'm five seconds away from paralysis, which is normally exactly when my experience begins. I generally only feel the first few seconds of paralysis which is nice. Does anyone else experience this annoyance? It took me a bit to figure out what was happening, and now I'm pretty successful of stifling these unbearable urges right before the sleep paralysis, but man! Annoying!
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