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Old 24-12-2010, 02:31 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Uma
Hi Gracey,

The body shakes are usually related to the root chakra - the spiritual centre for grounding (but they can be part of any chakra that is really blocked). I'm guessing that once you became more grounded, the energy could flow higher - so no more shaking. Your experience is interesting also because in TM (Transcendental Meditation) they actually teach levitation and it begins with the body (in meditation posture) jumping or hopping up and down and across the room and eventually levitating. It make me think that perhaps this was a pursuit of yours in a past life (just a guess).

I've heard this type of experience being compared to a garden hose all coiled and sort of knotted up - once you turn the tap on the hose begins to shake like crazy until the water can flow smoothly again. That's the idea. We can learn how to manage experiences like these if they get uncomfortable or are inappropriate in certain surroundings. That's why it's so important to focus on getting the brow chakra opened as it commands all the ones below it. Hence the emphasis in meditation on controlling the mind - one pointedness, watching the breath, repeating a mantra etc...


hi uma,

i have heard of the jumping or hopping, mine was not like that, i was laying flat on my back and rising up and down of about 3 or 4 feet. after the shaking and during the levitating, my energy felt calm, but i felt objecitve because i was just five and had no idea what was going on.
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