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Old 01-10-2006, 08:19 PM
Posts: n/a

Thanks from bringing this 911 up as I noticed i have been seeing those as well quite a lot. Not is few weeks though. I've been thinking the meaning of it... and don't see the emergency code is only what it means as the it is not the emergency number in Europe (we have 112 in most countries). But if thinking that 9 means ending something and 11 wakeup call, triggering DNA to light etc, and the combination of 911 adding them together brings 11 again... can it mean ending some state of evolution and getting into new? Have not been thinking it before much but as you brought it up I started to think the point. I tried to google it but mainly about 911 terror attack stuff coming. Could also of course mean global emergency as in some post and would need lightworkers attention and healing. But basically I think it has also some personal meaning. If some ideas comes up would be nice to hear as I believe that in every numerical code there are many hidden explanations inside one.

Lots of light
Dariel <3