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Old 19-03-2014, 12:32 AM
CSEe CSEe is offline
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Is there anyone or anything not " Buddhist"?

In my current view , all living such as human , animal , plant , micro-orgsm etc or non-living such as rock , wood , pen , door , dirt , rubbish etc is all in a process into a common universal condition of nothingness .....the process as what known by human involved death , birth , decay , rusty , wear , rot etc changing shapes , sizes etc all travelling into a condition of emptiness back into nothingness .......
In my current understanding , this natural process of going back into the original , universal common condition of nothingness by all living or non-living is introduced to mankind said to be by Siddharta knowned as Buddhism.....
So in this regards , all living or non-living is in same process but each have it own journey , own path but into a universal common destination ......therefore all living or non-living is same & equal .....all is in same process and nothing or no one could ever escape this process ...therefore in my current view all is " Buddhist"..........and this process is known as Buddhism .....and the original condition - nothingness is Buddha.

I really hope to debate with all especially teacher / master of Buddhism studies on this for my own learning process .....
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