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Old 23-12-2010, 12:38 AM
Uma Uma is offline
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Hi Summerland,

Originally Posted by Summerland
A bit confusing, but after a few reads I will get it. I am familar with reflexology, so understand how that works. Now out of curiousity, what would it have meant if it had been my right side.?

Suryia nadis has to do with heat, so it's the one we want "switched on and flowing with energy" when eating so we can digest our food. The idea for health and wellness is to have the channels in balance, not to have one side predominating. Too much heat and we become aggressive, hot tempered etc...

My brow chakra was all tingly also.

Well as I said, that's the seat of the mind.

It was odd that the staff on the kids units were almost euphoric and that the staff on both adult units were totally stressed. ( of course THEY were getting all the admissions)

I'm not sure... Kids though don't have so much ego as adults, so there's less of a barrier to spiritual energies there. The "stress" comes from ego's resistence to things coming up from our energy body that challenges what our intellect tells us must be truth.

BTW there are some people in psychiatric wards who shouldn't be - they're just having Kundalini experiences but have no one who can interpret the experiences for them.

I do understand the subtle bodies. the breathing (part of Reiki training) My only excuse is that I forgot, Uma. Too much different things to remember! Thank you for the reminder of how much is slipping away as I don't use the Reiki very much anymore. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever relearn everything that I already "know"~~~~

Oh oh nothing to cry about. All I can say about this is what I know from personal experience. The more you experience your true self, which is not the physical body, the more all this yogic knowledge becomes natural, second nature and part of your (extra-)ordinary experience... You are already very sensitive to it so I would say don't fight it, but go with it, go deeper into the experience and see what you see. And if you can use ujai breath to move the energy the way you want it to move and also bring in reiki energy then, between your two selves - individual soul and collective Spirit, you will know all that you need to know. And if you don't, a teacher will appear who can fill in the gaps.
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