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Old 10-03-2014, 05:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Smile I love using the Psychic Circle

I have used the Psychic Circle many times and I love using it.

The first couple of times it did not work for me, but I kept at it and finally one day I experienced the movement of the circle and it was such a wonderful and exhilarating feeling. It works better for me when I used it alone.

I follow the directions by saying the prayers and visualizations before I start.
Once I do that I start by saying "I now open my circle for any of my spirit guides or any relatives in the spirit world that may want to communicate with me today" I wait....

I keep asking "is anybody here with me, or if there are any spirits here with me please say hello." Most of the time the circle will move to the world "hello" or "open" which indicates to me that they are present.

I very politely ask "may I ask questions of you today, please say yes or no." If they say no I stop and wait a day or so and try it again. If they say yes then I start my session first by thanking them for being there with me. I usually want to know if the spirit and I know each other from this present lifetime so I ask that.
If they say no, then I proceed by asking for their name or initials. If they answer yes, then I proceed to ask for the first letter of their name and then the last name usually I can guess, but if I can't then I ask for a spelling. (this may take time so be very patient and don't give up)

Once I have id the spirit, I then try to confirm their identity by asking specific questions like "to verify that you are my aunt Jane tell me the first letter of your husband's name or daughter etc..." Once this is confirmed for me I feel at ease that I am in the presence of the said spirit.

Please remember that once you are done either because you are tired or the answers are just not coming then don't just close the board up and put it away. As with any living person, dispatch your spirit by saying thank you for being here and for answering my questions perhaps we can talk at another time. I ask the spirit to go in peace and to please exit my board by saying "good-bye." I never close my board unless they have said "good-bye" to me. (((Very important)))

I usually also say a prayer of thank you and I also visualize the light going back from the board to the heavens.

I'm still learning and my goal is to get the circle to spell words in a faster manner maybe my concentration is not deep enough at the moment but the more I use it the better I feel.

If you are going to use it please have a clear mind and use it for your good and the good of others.

Don't be afraid for this might block the energies from coming through.

Hope this helps.
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