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Old 06-03-2014, 03:54 AM
wstein wstein is offline
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Originally Posted by soulseeker23
What if the tunnel we pass through after death is nothing but a worm hole as in Thor movie? Which takes us to a new dimension or a physcial planet far far away? What do you think? :-)

I doubt its a wormhole as they are confined to this universe. However, from what I understand, one does just go to a different dimension through a 'tunnel' (actually hyperspace).

[advanced] the tunnel is not an actual thing, its an artifact of viewing across dimensions which themselves have various 'densities'. Many dimensions are relatively empty (simple). The more complex ones, ones sentient life find interesting, tend to be 'arranged' in corridors (as one travels anyway) giving the impression of a tunnel. As the tunnel is merely a perceptual artifact, there is no actual barrier to exiting through the side of the tunnel.

One can imagine this as highways. Most interesting stuff is near a highway. However there is nothing preventing you from taking a turn and traveling away from the highway. Obviously there are some places of interest far from any highway.
no sugar coating here, I tell it straight as I see it
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