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Old 06-03-2014, 02:28 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by soulseeker23
What if the tunnel we pass through after death is nothing but a worm hole as in Thor movie? Which takes us to a new dimension or a physcial planet far far away? What do you think? :-)


The last of us flows into our soul which exists at a higher light speed universe. The universe we live in is comprised of many dimensions which allows us to flow in future spaceships to coexisting universes at our light speed. In addition there is a spectrum of higher light speed universes. Finally as we reach upward to the Godhead we achieve near infinite light speed universe. Thus the entire universe and God is a very complex structure.
In my book "Futureoids" I explore the production of man upon a new Earth by means of humanoids who carry the eggs and sperms of man and woman and implant them into a viable creature I call nunues. Although the Darwinian evolutionary process will produce first man, in general we came into being by the Humanoids. It is our duty to do the same as man upon this Earth will perish. Therefore the space program is necessary for the future survival of man. It is important to understand that one cosmic problem in the universe is self-replicating robots. They could take over the entire universe and eliminate man.
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