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Old 02-03-2014, 02:13 PM
rodan rodan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 310
Originally Posted by vecta3
have you tried preserving your essence, i.e. not ejaculating? many men report much greater confidence and emotional balance after about a week and this generally gets more pronounced as time goes on. might sound like a strange natural cure for depression but if you're deficient in sexual power, the base motor for everything else, it will, by degree, affect your mood.

There is a lot going on inside the brain than we don't know. Doctors can't even diagnose a person with dementia, as to whether or not the person has Alzheimer's disease or some other problem with the chemical activity in the brain.
Best they can do are subjective tests.

I was told by a neurologist there are no tests to do to see what the problem may be with a person's neurotransmitters, or even other areas. They can test for the adrenal and thyroid, sometimes those cause depression or mood problems.

From my point of view, I feel I have no emotional feelings toward things and events. For example, I would probably feel the same attending a wedding or a funeral.
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