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Old 23-02-2014, 08:32 AM
moretocome moretocome is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 51
Hello Carino!

Interesting thread.

The following are three methods that I have used successfully:

1) Manifesting through BELIEF (This is what I used to manifest nearly $1,500,000)
2) Manifesting through the LAW of GIVING & RECEIVING
3) Manifesting through FOCUS

I suppose my favorite would be Manifesting through BELIEF. The following provides the specific steps I use:

1) Specifically ASK for the understanding, experience, money, etc. that you wish to acquire. You make the specific request to Source (or the Universe, God, Consciousness, etc. - Use whatever label you resonate with). With regard to money, I ASK for a specific amount.

This could also be called ‘SETTING THE INTENTION’.

2) Completely LET GO of the desire or intention. In other words, SURRENDER it to the Universe, Source, etc. Trust that it will come to you in the perfect way AND at the perfect time. In other words, you choose the WHAT, but you leave the details (the HOW and WHEN) to the Universe.

3) Express THANKS and then simply WAIT for your guidance, money, etc. to come to you. (At this point, you can even forget about it.) You do not need to go out and actively seek it. Trying to ‘make it happen’ through your own efforts will only serve to delay your manifestation (This is because trying to ‘make it happen’ shows that you have doubts that it will manifest).

DETACHMENT is a Key Ingredient-

In my experience, a vital KEY is one's ability to completely LET GO of the desire / intention (i.e. Surrender). You may have to SURRENDER your desire over and over again (until the fear and worry is completely released). The balance lies in being completely detached from the OUTCOME while not giving up on your INTENTION.

Naturally, everyone has their own way to manifest, however, as you've mentioned, it's always interesting to hear about others' methods, etc. Thank you for your thread / post!
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