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Old 14-02-2014, 09:03 AM
Elfay Elfay is offline
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I'm back again with very bad leg pains, agonizingly bad. I've been in off and in pain for going in 4 months. It stopped completely when I started drinking over 8 glasses of water a day but started hurting when I stopped drinking enough water, so I'm going to go overboard here, not self diagnosing but it seems it's due to dehydration or sorts. The lack of drinking adequate amounts of water. It has to be water since I was drinking plenty of other beverages just not enough water. I've tried to drink more water and I do but it seems it doesn't work after the fact.

No I still don't eat healthy. I was homeless for 6 months and had to eat what was served in the cafeteria. I need to take vitamins, calcium and other minerals including magnesium and potassium but I really cannot afford there right now. Nor can afford to see a Dr though I really need to visit a free clinic and perhaps they can give me something -- anything since the pain is so bad I can't sleep. I've taken things like Aleve which will help but again it's very expensive.

I guess I'm afraid to see a Dr, I may find out it's something worse. I even have a friend who is a Dr -- in another state, I don't like asking him medical questions... So I suffer with this agonizing pain. And it's worse walking than it is sleeping and I can barely sleep.

I am under a tremendous amount of unnecessary stress with this job and I sleep on a expensive type air mattress which I know hasn't helped. I've made it firmer which made it worse, I've let it get a little less firmer and it's still really bad. It's rather comfortable but not good for my back or leg.

It's only my right leg. It's not RLS since walking doesn't help it. I can't find a position so it won't hurt, with RLS I could eventually.

I've had leg pains before but ever since I got to Texas even a little bit if exercise has hurt my legs. Is it the heat? Though the times I've walked it wasn't hot.

And I can't take a hot bath to relieve it... Maybe when I move I will be able to. Hopefully I will be moving over the weekend. And even when I had leg cramps/pain this is the first time it's been this bad. Since I've been working this job. And sleeping in the bed I am on.

I had this the first time when I first started this job but it wasn't this bad, I was able to sleep and I could walk the cramping off now I can't sleep and barely nothing works to ease the pain outside of strong over the counter medications like Aleve.

I haven't slept well in 3-4 days and I'm exhausted and I know that's not helping my leg. It's mainly in the joints, calf and my ankles the worst us in my calf.

I've suffered over the years when I was younger with very disabilitating leg cramps/shin splints and when I was pregnant with my son I had trally major bad leg cramps. And after me son was born, about 4 months later I developed the RLS. And it will go away but returns every 5 years and is worse every time it returns. RLS never lasts this long. Maybe 2 months at the most. And most times I can stretch it out or walk it out enough to sleep. This is a lot more painful.

Right now it's tolerable because of how I'm listing in bed but it's getting rather uncomfortable and I'll need to reposition my legs son but it'll start to hurt again...

I'm pretty desperate here, I'm not too proud to admit that. I may end up in the ER it's that bad. But I don't have that kind of money to pay for an emergency room visit...

Like I said stress is a a huge factor why I'm in so much pain, and not eating healthy. Scurvy comes to mind. Though I know very little about it and what the symptoms are, I know it's lack of vitamin C which I have.

If y'all can send some much needed healing to me I'd appreciate it. I've tried healing my self but I'm too stressed to be of help to my self right now.

Thank you again!!

It isn't about karma. It is about love. Love is beyond karma. Karma can be very easily neutralized with Love.

I don't share my thoughts because I think it will change the minds that think differently.

I share my thoughts to show the people who already think like me that they're not alone.

"Good bits of wisdom Elfay the future isn't carved in stone, it is a book waiting to be written." - Adrienne
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