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Old 13-02-2014, 01:58 AM
Posts: n/a
My first pendulum's (a piece of carnelian) name was "Jay" which is the first letter of my name. (That made me wonder if I was just communicating with my higher self). I really liked my first pendulum, but when showing a friend how they work, it began to glow which I had never seen before. It was a gorgeous sunshine yellow. We both could see it! I thought it must be destined to be hers. So when she left the room, I asked if it wanted to belong to her and it answered "yes". She was so grateful that she almost cried. I felt really good about giving it to her as I felt it would be treasured.

So I created my second pendulum from a sodalite pendant and it said it's name was "Quay". I thought that was interesting as it sounds like Jay. Perhaps the Q was for question. It has turned out to be a very good pendulum though.

So funny... I just looked up "Quay" in baby names and it means "Rock of strength!
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