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Old 07-02-2014, 10:20 AM
PeteC-UK PeteC-UK is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 764
Hi Folks..

Best advice - in all honesty - would be to STOP reading all the new age ** that proliferates the internet..

"I went to the shamanic healer and she doesnt know anythng about it,her kundalini isnt risen" - REALLY..?..And no doubt you paid her top dollar for this "wisdom" lol...

"My ego is completly dissolved" - and yet here you are,with definate EGOIC concerns !! obviously then,NO,your ego is not dissolved at all..

"Now I know the truth of life." - then what are you even worried about..?..You KNOW what its all about you say..

"Who can i call out to now?" - why call out to anyone,you already know the "truth" dont you..

"I dont have human fears and desires anymore" - really..?..Your post is full of human fear and desire..

LIsten Kids - kundalini is VERY REAL - just not applicable in ths case..A "shaman" you say here,really means a "fraud",obviously,because she DIDNT HAVE A CLUE about how she affected you - obviously then,she is not a "real" spiritual practitioner..If she were,she would understand,and even would have warned you about these side effects..

Honestly - your own inagination,based on all the junk you no doubt consume on boards such as this,has fuelled a "fantasy" response to something that is no doubt entirely bogus - like a"placebo effect" - nothing was actually done to you at all,but your belief otherwise,has you confused..Whatever these emotional causes are,thy were no doubt fully present before you went to this bogus shaman -and probably was the very reason why you sought help in the first place - even if you dont actually realise it..
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