Thread: Psi Ball
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Old 03-01-2014, 02:08 PM
CrystalSong CrystalSong is offline
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Originally Posted by Usako
Care to elaborate further? This sounds super important and interesting, not just with psi what kind of side effects?

Basically when moving energy anywhere outside yourself there WILL BE EFFECTS, if you do it from a place of unconditional love and while in contact with Higher Self, Angels and Guides then you are in the right place. If however you do it because YOU want too, You've deemed it important, you've entered a grey area of wobbly moral certainty, depending what was done with the energy you may have just practiced dark magic.
In otherwords, until you can have two way communication with higher self because you have learned to shut off thinking mind and become the observer it is best for karmic reasons to only use the energy for psi balls that don't leave your auric field, or maybe house area. Make plants grow better, sooth a pets injuries.

This sounds amazing, and one I wished I could do that when I encountered myself with an angry mob, I really wanted some way I could help them stop fighting.

You can, open your heart chakra, FEEL the emotions of love and compassion and brotherhood inside you and then see a beautful golden white energy coming from your heart chakra and carrying those emotions of brotherhood, compassion and love to the angry mob and like a fog shroudng them in those emotions.
You must FEEL the emotions tho, because if there is a niggle of fear and concern inside you that too will go out of you and into the mob and things will get worse not better.
It's much better to to have all personal things fully healed, be able to shutoff the thinking mind and move into Observer state, be in constant contact with Higher Self/God, Angels and so on before working with energy on this level.

Sorry I don't think I quite understand what you are trying to say? I am very dense at the moment...

Do nothing that's not in the Highest Good, the highest vibration of Unconditional love means.....oh lordy, I can't put it any simpler. You must act not from the minds desires/needs but in conjuction with the principle the higher powers opperate from whih is unconditional love. Mankind pratices CONDITIONAL Love, not UNCONDITIONAL Love - so this is what we must learn before weilding the power of the Gods.

To be honest this sounds a little scary, and complicated...I am scared of doing something like it even by accident! Makes me not want to even try...scary scary. I wish I had some kind of mentor/teacher who could guide me better.

The teacher lies INSIDE you, it already knows how to do this and has been doing so since the beginning of consciousness. Inside you, behind the mind/personality/collection of memories/emotions that you think you are right now. You are something else, discover that something else that you are and you will also conquer fear and death. You'll also understand how to use the power to Cause No Harm.

Thank you, learned a lot even if it seems like I didn't!
You are welcome!
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