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Old 16-12-2010, 03:56 AM
DivineLove DivineLove is offline
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Originally Posted by Amilius777
We are all sons and daughters of God. We are made in his image. What was the difference between Jesus and all the past prophets who experienced this divine nature aka: Christ Consciousness, aka: Divine Love? They were channels of the Spirit of Christ and bringing that awareness to the world. Like Moses, Buddha, Abraham.

But Jesus was the full embodiment of the spirit, mind, and body of Christ. He was one and the same with the Christ Consciousness. No other person(s) had this since the days of Adam (first divine/human race before the Fall). He was bestowed with the grace and divinity of God the "Christhood". He was the chosen one. John the Baptist could not be the Christ for he increased as Elijah and worked out his karma through his beheading. Jesus was the purest soul that ever lived. He was chosen by God to be "The Christ".

1. Jesus was the Man, the Pattern, the Elder Brother, the soul who exemplified the divinity of God, a fully realized son of God.
2. Christ is the spirit, the messenger, the power, the consciousness, the eternal God the Son.
These two were one and the same in the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
The son of man refers to the body-consciousness, the human nature which must be risen up to God.
The Son of God refers to the divine-consciousness that dwells within all of us, waiting to be awakened
I will say that the Roman Catholic Belief comes true when they refer to the uniqueness of Jesus. The fact that not until Jesus came was the Christ Consciousness (God the Son) fully incarnate in the earth so we could all learn to become the same Christ in our experiences.
So after reading all of this and from these conclusions-
Jesus is God.
Jesus is not God.

After reading everyone's posts here, it's amazing to sit back, and see how prevalent this belief is. Despite Jesus's words, to the contrary.
God, is God alone.
Jesus stipulates this as a fact.
The Father, has created an infinite Universe. With countless numbers of stars.

Do you think, that such a Being, would need to come down to our level?
A Being capable of Creating the entire Universe. Just picture how much energy is needed to create our sun, in this galaxy?
Do you have any idea how many sun's there are, in the Universe?
Do you truly believe, that a Being with that kind of power, would feel any need to come down to our level?
I can quote another passage from this book to support my viewpoint. But for now, I just want all of us to use our "common sense".
Exercise our own faculties.
Jesus, was God's son, because he was the FIRST to receive His Divine Substance, in all It's Fullness, while in the flesh. The first of his kind. Jesus became the Christ, when God's Divine Substance, filled his soul, making him Divine.
If Jesus was God, do you think he would need to go through a process to receive his own Substance?

Last edited by DivineLove : 16-12-2010 at 04:18 AM.
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