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Old 12-12-2013, 10:52 PM
Tyler Snotgern
Posts: n/a
Shared Death Experiences

Does anyone know about SDEs?

What's interesting about the SDE as per Moody (not other definitions) is the remarkable similarities to OBE, astral travel, NDEs, physical mediumship (materialization) and past life/interlife regression. The SDE is like a mix n match of all them.

There is the energy shifting with vibrational effects which release the body (OBE), geometric, material space distortions (alike spherical sight in OBE/AT), misting (ectoplasmic clouding and spirit formation), floating and downsightedness (OBE, NDE); plane or dimensional boundaries (OBE/AT), life review (interlife and past life regression), formed and formless ray and light beings (AT, NDE, ILR, PM)...etc.
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