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Old 13-12-2010, 10:44 PM
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21st December:triple event.

The winter solstice occurs on 21 December, the shortest day of the year ( in the Northern hemisphere) also coincides with a full moon and a lunar eclipse this year,

The significance of a Full Moon is often regarded as important to Astrologers and Pagans. We already know it effects the female menstrual cycle and it’s effects on the tides of the oceans of the earth has long been known. There are at least 86 known Moon deities ranging from Artemis in Greek mythology to the Zorya in Slavic mythology. Without doubt the Moon has played a significant part in our cultural past and even now has a biological significance that can be seen in the word in lunacy which if taken literally pertains to the moon.

The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. This too has a significance in so far as it is a pivotal point in the year. Our ancestors were really big on the mid winter sunrise. It is the only day of the year that the sun illuminates the 5000 year old burial chamber at Newgrange in Ireland’s boyne valley. Modern day Pagans and Wiccan’s celebrate the festival of Yule on this date.

Eclipses have long held meaning to human civilization. In Rome it was customary to yell in order to drive away the demons that cast their shadow across the moon. The Chinese thought the Moon was being eaten by a wild animal and so they rang bells loudly to frighten of the cosmic predator. Eclipses too have played a very significant part in our racial and cultural memories.

As we have grown more rational as a society and less superstitious, I cannot help wondering how magical this triple whammy on the upcoming December 21st would have been regarded by our Ancestors and just how special and significant it will be to present day Pagan’s and Wiccan’s.

With all these buzzing energies and influences, this solstice could be really magical.

To those of you who celebrate Yule, may it be special in every way.
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