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Old 09-12-2013, 09:41 PM
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Identify some people are actually narcissistic which can be confused with socialpaths. The differnces between the personalities.
Sociapaths are only in it for the game and to see how far they can push you, sometimes it's for there personal enjoyment. Where a narcissistic is in it for a ego boost or to raise there image. Narcissistic can be taught good behavior but it takes a strong will to date and teach Narcissistic person the wrongs of there ways. Sometimes they don't know because many are actually spoiled brats or nobody ever had the guts to tell them no. Many narcissistic don't like being the way they are just that they are additic to the phrase and negative attention.

Dealing with a socialpaths and a narcissistic.

1. Let them know, you know there game and see through them. Sociopaths don't like being spotted.

2. Stop being a victim

3. Stop being easily fooled.

4. Don't respond to there games

5. Know get difference between a ego-driven Narcissists and a psychopath. Narcissists look for phrases or seek negative attention. Or they seek to build an image for themselves. Where a psychopath is only in it for the game.

6. Figure out their game, confront them. If they're are sorry and may try to play for sympathy you may have a narcissistic person. If they play off they did nothing wrong, and or yiu are fault. You may have a social path.

7. Don't get dragged in.

8. Place barriers

9. Demands respect

10. Remind them they are adults and to act like it.

11. Put your foot down.

12. If all fails walk away.

My mom and brother are both narcissistic my brother claims he a psychopath however most psychopath don't often realive themselves. Anyone claiming to be a psychopath is probably a narcissistic looking for attention.
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