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Old 13-12-2010, 03:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Lovely
Me too! I love ants even though my ego sometimes gets annoyed
by them :P

Ants are so awesome and smart. A while ago I learned how intuitive
they are. I put my finger to one and thought mean thoughts. I would
think,not say, something like "If you climb on my finger I will kill you
and light you on fire." (I wasn't really going to) And I tried to give off
negative energy. Out of about 10 ants not even one climbed on my finger.
Then I did the same thing but instead tried to give positive energy and I
would think something like "Climb on my finger because I find you interesting
and I want to look at you. I'll put you down quickly and safe." And
out of about 10 ants each one climbed on my finger with out hesitation.
I was so amazed by that . I only sent telepathic thoughts and they must
of got them. The same day I saw ants on my kitchen table. My mom was
going to spray Windex on them and kill them. I stopped her and she didn't.
I gave them what they wanted (food) and thought "Take this food and
leave my house because you'll be in danger if you don't." They did
and after a few hours they left with their food. Very neat animals
Oh my gosh that's so amazing to me! I have never even considered they had that ability. But doesn't that make them seem like such highly evolved and connected creatures?

I use ask them questions and stuff about where they were going and why they worked together so well. I feel like nature has this really awesome system that can reflected by the nature of ants. The way they work together, pitch in, each doing their part... soooo very cool.
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