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Old 20-11-2013, 11:32 AM
SpiritCarrier SpiritCarrier is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
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If instead of paying big money to kill a beautiful creature those rich people could used that money to keep conservatories operating, it would be a big improvement for society.

It infuriates me when people think that those animals are nothing more than trophies. To me it is no different than the thinking Jeffery Dahmer had with keeping pieces of his victims. I see these beautiful creatures as victims without a voice. Why is killing an animal thought of as such a great accomplishment? It might be different if the animal had a gun and was shooting back. I realize that Lions are fierce animals, but they are surviving when they kill. We, humans, on the other hand are doing it for some sort of enjoyment? I do not understand that sort of thinking, nor do I want to.

My heart hurts each time I see something like this because it reminds me just how vicious humans are. I hope that one day we, humans, evolve beyond this sort of barbaric behavior. (hope is the key word there)

Peace and Light to you all,
We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
Eleanor Roosevelt
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