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Old 11-12-2010, 04:28 PM
Cletus VanDamme
Posts: n/a
What's wrong with drinking?
This could be any number of things. It could be that the guy realized after his injury how fragile the human body is, and realizing his own mortality, decided to turn his life around.
Of course that may not explain the crossstitching...

Originally Posted by *whitefeather
I would love to hear what others think may have caused this man to suddenly take up cross-stitching? (apart from the obvious physical injury to the brain). I've come across other articles over the years that have cited similar cases, but which involved organ transplant patients. I've always found these occurrences a curious thing.

AN ABUSIVE, heavy-drinking man was transformed into a teetotal perfect husband after suffering a brain haemorrhage.

Ken Merryweather, 44, from Glossop in Derbyshire, central England, used to go out on all-night drink binges before returning home to argue with his girlfriend.

But his personality was completely transformed after he was struck down by the life-threatening condition.

The change was so striking that his girlfriend even agreed to marry him.

"There was no way I would've married him before but he has totally gone the other way," Tracey Merryweather said.

Mr Merryweather said that although the hemorrhage caused him several problems, he was glad it had made him "a nicer guy to be around”.

"I used to be so verbally abusive - especially after a few pints. When I used to work I used to go straight to the pub and not get in until 2am to 3am in the morning."

He added: "There are things I can't do now but there are other things I can - I can cross-stitch and I do an awful lot of sewing and cooking."

Mr Merryweather had been drinking heavily just hours before he suffered the haemorrhage. He was found the next morning collapsed on the floor.

"I lost 50 to 70 per cent of my memory, I had to learn to walk and talk again. I asked if it was down to the alcohol and the doctors said no. It was basically just a time bomb ticking. I don't touch a drop now. Tracey says it's turned me into a better person," he said.

Edited by SF Staff
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