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Old 11-12-2010, 06:12 AM
Posts: n/a
is my buddy dead or an imaginary friend

I didn't know where to put this, it doesn't seem to fit anywhere.

Anyways, he's not even my friend, hardly know him at all.

I keep seeing him and sensing him near me, when i am wide awake. I could see him clearly in my mind, and i knew he was sitting in front of me, i could feel his presence. I heard him say a few things to me, and as i continue on with my day, he keeps popping up out of nowhere, and i can hear his voice in my mind, saying things here and there.

To make things more confusing, he's in all my thoughts too. And so suddenly and out of nowhere. I can't seem to find an explanation, of why i would be thinking of him so much. Because i am thinking of him, makes me wonder if i am just imagining him being here with me. I've been seeing him for awhile now, and even before that, but before i couldn't recognize who it was.

The night before last, my dreams were filled with only him. Strange, but very happy, and amazing dreams, i think we were involved in sensuous activities, and were the best of buddies which is weird, as i never before thought of him in that way, and we never really knew each other.

To make things weirder, i began speaking just like him a few weeks ago, before any of this happened, and did not realize it. When i saw him in front of me, is when i realized where my tone came from. In the present, i still keep talking in the same tone he used to.

The conversation we had, when his "spirit" was with me, was light and happy, although i said in a horrified tone but jokingly, "You better not be dead buddy! I better be just imagining things!" I guess i thought i was communicating with my own mind. He just sat on my couch, in front of me, with a huge grin on his face, and he felt so comforting and amazing.
He can hear my thoughts.
And when i couldn't remember his name, i heard him laugh and say my name in a funny tone, trying to sound offended, then he said he wasn't going to tell me until i remembered.

Is there a way to differentiate between someone who drifts, and someone who is dead, coming to you, other than asking them? Like could he be alive, but just be coming to me without knowing it, or knowing it? It's happened to me before, where i panicked about a girl i knew who showed up to me, woke me up in the middle of the night, just said my name and disappeared, but with her, i saw her vividly, like she looks in person, turns out she wasn't dead at all, but had been in the hospital that night, and when i questioned her, she didn't even remember it.

I cannot remember this guys name. I could barely remember what he looked like, before all of this. He is someone i used to know, but we were just acquaintances. I had a small silly crush going on for his friend, whom i can't remember much either. They were either close friends or brothers, both native first nations, both visitors to my town during this last summer, because they were staying at a local treatment centre for alcohol and drug addiction. They both wanted to recover, for that i respected them greatly, they had more sobriety time than i had, and helped me out. I guess they made an impact on my life for that reason. I was also worried when they left, worried for the guy i keep seeing, more than the one i was interested in, because he kept making depressing comments of how he didn't think he could keep sober.
But i hardly knew them other than that, never saw them much, because their treatment centre was strict on times. The guy i keep seeing, is not the one i was interested in though. Because of that, i found it easier to talk to him, but we still never talked much, they only stayed for a month. Before they left, they talked about moving here very soon. When they left i never heard from them again. They both live far away. It's be since summer.

It's been quite a while, with no thoughts of them, and so if this is my subconscious, could someone help me out in trying to figure out what it might mean? Why am i suddenly so obsessed with this guy? I'd much rather be obsessed over him... other than the possibility of him being dead.
It is really worrying me, because, he was doing so good, and now i just worry that he may have overdosed on some drug or something stupid while intoxicated, and i truly wished the best for them, when they left. Their sobriety meant a lot to me, in my own recovery.
I am confused. I don't know what my instincts tell me either. I felt happy, that he was there, and when he comes to me, he wants to be a support to me, it's like he's becoming really close to me.
Maybe i'm sensing that he is around, because he is alive, and just in my town now? I don't know. I don't want him to be dead. I think he would be a cool friend to have - but alive.
My talents are not built up quite enough to ask him questions yet. I can hear him say a few things, but i don't get much, i can't even get him to tell me his name. I don't know if this is my imagination or what. It felt so real. So real to the point it worries me. Today i don't feel him around much, but all day yesterday, he was lingering around me, and for the past week. I kept pushing it away, and just going with it, but it's all so strange, and i don't know what it means.
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