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Old 08-11-2013, 03:56 PM
Spirit Seeker Spirit Seeker is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 162
Anything is possible, sure it could be some parallel universe that for some brief instant, overlapped with ours and you could hear the conversation.

I say that because, even though I am a paranormal investigator, that for all the EVPs we capture, all the equipment interaction, the photos, videos of bizarre things, we cannot say 100% that what is causing it is indeed a spirit.

Now IMHO, they are spirits / ghosts. However, a skeptic will challenge me to prove they are ghosts, but I cannot. I cannot physically hold out a ghost for close inspection to satisfy the skeptic.

So it could be parallel universe overlap, could be aliens, could be interdimensional creatures, could be ghosts/spirits. That's what makes the paranormal field so interesting, so many theories and possibilities!
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