Thread: Scared
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Old 10-10-2013, 11:32 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Over the Rainbow
Posts: 2,730
just a couple thoughts that might help:

#1) there is no devil, no guy in a red jump suit with a pitchfork. For me, when I came across that thought (it was in a Sylvia Browne book I was reading) it lit up my world, and I just KNEW there was no such thing as a devil, that the devil was made up by religions to scare people into going to church, because they felt they needed a reason to get people to the church, and what better way than to scare them - somethings gonna get them if they don't go. Works like a charm too. So that's the first thing that helped me.

#2) When you are exploring becoming more spiritually aware, and you are reading books and things that interest you on the subject, and maybe you are talking to people who believe what you believe and you are diving in and exploring it, something happens along the way, I think. And one day, you will just not be afraid of death anymore, because you have learned what an awesome place it is to be, because there is no death. None of us die, we just transform, the energy that makes us - us - leaves the physical body and returns to our non-physical inner being, our Soul, and then things get really really fun and interesting (I am really looking forward to it, but I am not done being me in this life yet, so there is plenty of time to get there LOL).

So, hope that helped to give you some comfort. There is no death, so there is no reason to fear it. If you believe in reincarnation, then maybe that helps too, because we "die" over and over and over, etc, etc, etc, and are reborn over and over and over, and so it is not death as in - The End. There is nothing like that.

If you don't believe in anything after this life, then that is something to think about. There are a lot of mediums on this planet who help bring people's loved ones in to speak with people, and they tell details that are undeniable. Try watching some episodes of Long Island Medium. Or John Edwards. Go on You Tube, there are lots of spinets there. If you can get a sense that these dearly departed loved ones are still around us (and they are) maybe that will help.
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