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Old 03-10-2013, 12:48 PM
Dream Librarian
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Ciqala
I never incarnated in any of my few "past life" memories, they were just simulated events, simulated realities, like the matrix or avatar. I haven't died for 247,892 years so I am very ancient on my home planet and simulated in a lot of places. Simulated life is a lot like a dream, you don't die, you just wake up alive again, and it is also like a movie screen, and just like a dream, time moves fast in dreams, you can live a lifetime in just a few days.

Interesting (and amazing), I wrote something about that the other day, describing it more like Avatar than Matrix And though I in a dream state have lived many lifetimes, I do not believe I have ever been awake and thinking of it in Earth years I simply might not be older than 8... still in this world of Earth I am kind of old. I have seen images through expanded awareness (and maybe also out of body experiences) of me lying in a tube on a majestic spaceship. However for now I am set on trying to just enjoy and expand my Earth reality experience (or what we might call it ).

Though the other day I woke up and felt different, I was kind of amazed with the sensation: I have no heartbeat. Also I have felt a new kind of emptiness, as if something that once were part of me is there no longer. So I wonder if I have cut myself loose of that me lying in the tube dreaming (simply detached my being from that existence)... it is a scary (at first) yet liberating thought, to be completely free of what might be the source of my creation and existence.

Originally Posted by Ciqala

They told me today about New Earth too, it's Earth, just in another time period and people might have the option to go there some day. A time where Earth is untouched by homes and cities and trees are a lot bigger.

Have you ever heard of something called faded realities? As far as I understand you implement another world within a world, you then slowly let the new reality fade over the old one, creating a new world, a new home for the inhabitants of the old world.

I also wonder if this new Earth is the same as the world I have intertwined my primordial essence in, the piece of me I recognize as my core; the prime of my very being.
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