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Old 15-09-2013, 12:05 PM
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Originally Posted by bluelove23
Iv been told in past lives i was a witch..natural things always happen to me when i put intent behind it...iv read alot about it and i have been thinking about trying white magic. I am kind of scared to try a spell..but at the same time if it was natural to me, and in past lives mayb if i start il remember some things? How was it for the other natural witches to start? study and always Cast your Circle--before performing Magick--and ground yourself (afterward)--because Ritual draws massive amounts of energy.

Book Recommendations;

Green Witchcraft (vol. 1) by Ann Moura

gives instructions on Casting your Circle, reading the Signs, proper usage of Colors, Oils, Herbs, and Stones/Crystals.

Her book is mainly concerned with observing the Wheel-of-the-Year--but you can incorporate much of what she teaches into simplistic Ritual. Ann Moura is an all inclusive Author--who is open to different paths and encourages you to take what she is giving you and make it your own.

"A Little Book of Candle Magic" by D.J. Conway

gives you more singular and specific Candle Rituals for handling life's situations...but you should (always) cast a Circle--when performing magic and ground yourself (afterward).

"The Wheel of the Year" by Pauline Campanelli

is an awesome book that will teach you some of the "old ways" of the Craft--from binding, to dying, to cooking and storing, to quilting. She shows you how to walk a Magical Path in your day to day life.

"Moon Magic" by D.J. Conway

will teach you the different names and faces of MotherMoon as She journeys through the Wheel-of-the-Year.

You will be guided to all that you need--but if you ever have a question--please feel free to PM me and I will be glad to share my perspective.

Peace and Love on your path to Discovering the Mysteries...

Blessed be...


Keep in touch with proper Magical timing @ -- Magick should be avoided during the times when the Moon is Void-of-Course and when Mental Mercury is Retrograde.

Mr. Brown has monthly charts on his website to help us keep track of such things.
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