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Old 06-12-2010, 02:08 AM
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Dangerous thoughts

Hi Spiritual Forums,

This is my first post and I come to you because I'm a little worried. I'm a normal person who is affected by normal problems but my feelings can be very... lets say passionate at times. I've noticed that there are some odd little coincidental things that have been occurring around me.

Within the last year and a half things have sort of been happening that I have been wishing. And I'm not happy to say but they are sort of negative wishes.

For instance the most recent thing was that my mother bought an expensive thing for herself and I was not supportive. My father is having money troubles and she is more willing to selfishly spend her money rather than help my father out with the debts that she is accruing. She told me she bought this 150 instrument (that I know she won't learn to play) and when it came in the mail I sat it down in the living room and sort of scoffed at it. And I thought to myself "She's so selfish, I can't believe she bought this stupid thing. I hope it's broken and she has to send it back." Low and behold, when she opened it it was broken.

Now, I know that could be coincidental but it's been happening in bigger ways. Instance number 2 is when my ex-boyfriend wanted to stay in NYC even though the lifestyle there was pushing him into alcoholism. The time came around that he was looking for a new apartment and he was ready to sign the lease for one he had found. I was telling myself and our friends that he really shouldn't stay there and I clearly remember saying, "If there is a God in heaven I hope something happens so he has to leave New York." Again, low and behold, the very day he went to go take his money out of the bank to put down on his new apartment he found that someone had stolen over 1k dollars from his bank account. He could no longer live in the apartment he was at and he was forced to leave the city and live with his parents.

He never was able to find out who stole it and he never got his money back. I told him about what I said and he laughed. He said that I made Jesus steal his money, haha. In the end he did feel it was beneficial to get out of the city, so it worked out in the end.

In any case, these thoughts I have worry me and I wonder if I feel too passionate about negative thoughts they might actually happen. Does anyone believe my negative thoughts can do this or do you think it's a coincidence? I'm hoping that someone who is well read and knows about ESP might give me some insight.
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