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Old 27-08-2013, 09:58 PM
Ghost_Rider_1970 Ghost_Rider_1970 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Manchester, UK
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Hi Alexa,

I came across your post, and hope that the advice I gave to someone previously - and replicated below - goes some way to helping you.

There are many concepts in Spirituality, but none are any greater than the other. My advice would be to listen to your heart.

I believe that everyone is a Lightworker to some degree. The main purpose of being a Lightworker is a compelling but selfless urge to help others and the world in general - by being connected to 'source'.

Often Lightworkers have personal traits that are different to others. This may by being over-sensitive, having issues with weight, wanting to be alone etc to name but a few. That is because they tend to put others before themselves - occasionally at their detriment. Once a Lightworker recognises this they can then learn to help themselves so they can help others. I have done this, as I had weight issues but have found real inspiration through Spirituality and other areas to really slim down so by helping myself I am now in a much better position to help others.

Lightwork goes beyond all conventional forms of help, like carrying someone's bag, pushing a car that has broken down etc. All or which are valid of course. But another aspect is also using the power of positive energy to help raise the vibration in others and make people feel better about themselves just by being in proximity of their auric field. The auric field is the projection of energy that everyone has surrounding them. This projection can be up to quite a few meters!

For example, someone who is feeling down is likely to have a lower level of vibration and may come into contact with someone who has a higher level of vibration. When their auric fields merge, it will also raise their vibration as well - making them feel better about themselves.

Another example:

Someone who is overweight may receive a lot of negative energy from others who silently criticise them. This then just keeps them in this negative cycle. A Lightworker will see beyond their physical appearance and - without judgement - radiates positive thoughts and energy towards them to help them raise their vibration to hopefully give them enough courage and confidence to change their lifestyle. Of course, it is up to that person to make the change - but sometimes as a Lightworker big things start from small positives :)

The thing is you may or not be a Lightworker - but as there is no kudos associated with it, it doesn't mean you are any greater or any less should you discover that Lightwork doesn't fully resonate with you.

The other thing to remember is our ego is keen to place 'labels' to give us 'status'. If you can calm your ego (meditation really helps!), this will help you to not get too hung up on defining yourself but allow your heart to simply recognise your belief within yourself so you are closer to 'source'. Everything else will then become clearer much more naturally :)

I hope this helps.


I am not an individual having a universal experience, but the universe having an individual experience. Where consciousness is the universe experiencing itself through each of us.

Destiny is not the path given to us - but the path we choose for ourselves.

Current resources:
Tom Campbell: Ultimate Reality

Currently reading:
Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are: Alan Watts
A Brief History of Time: Stephen Hawking
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